Minneapolis Mayor Declared Tuesday ‘Abortion Provider Appreciation Day’ to ‘Celebrate’ Local Abortionists


Minneapolis Mayor Jacob Frey followed St. Paul’s lead in declaring Tuesday “abortion provider appreciation day” in the city.

Frey’s proclamation was announced in a press release from Gender Justice, a nonprofit legal organization devoted to “addressing the causes and consequences of gender inequality.” Frey specifically acknowledged Whole Woman’s Health, a local abortion provider.

“Every day, abortion providers like Whole Woman’s Health deliver high quality care in the face of harassment and threats to abortion access at the federal and local levels,” he said in a statement. “I’m proud to recognize today as Abortion Provider Appreciation Day to celebrate Whole Woman’s Health as an essential part of our community.”

The proclamation comes just days after the U.S. Supreme Court began hearing oral arguments in the case of a Louisiana law that requires abortion doctors to have admitting privileges to a local hospital.

“Every Minnesotan has the right to make our own health care decisions, including the right to decide whether and when to become a parent. The providers at Whole Woman’s Health and other independent clinics continue to provide this crucial piece of pregnancy care even while threats to abortion rights increase,” said Erin Maye Quade, advocacy director at Gender Justice and campaign manager for UnRestrict Minnesota, a group that wants to repeal the state’s restrictions on abortion.

“While abortion providers experience threats from extremists as well as attempts to roll back abortion rights at almost every level of government, we are grateful to have such a strong champion for reproductive health care access in the mayor,” she added.

The St. Paul City Council unanimously passed a resolution last week declaring March 10 “abortion provider appreciation day” in the capital city.

The national “abortion provider appreciation day” started in 1996 to recognize the life of Dr. David Gunn, an abortionist who was shot and killed on March 10, 1993.

“When our elected officials recognize the work we do as providers to deliver abortion care, our communities are healthier and safer,” said Dr. Jessika Ralph, medical director at Whole Woman’s Health. “We are so grateful to Mayor Frey for recognizing Whole Woman’s Health, and for all the work his administration has done to support reproductive health care access in Minneapolis.”

State Rep. Mary Franson (R-Alexandria) said the celebration of abortion providers “shows the hypocrisy of the pro-abortion crowd.”

“Time and time again, we are told by pro-abortion folks that abortion is private, deeply personal and certainly not celebrated,” she said. ‘The ending of life should never be celebrated.”

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Anthony Gockowski is managing editor of The Minnesota Sun and The Ohio Star. Follow Anthony on Twitter. Email tips to [email protected]
Photo “Jacob Frey” by Jacob Frey. Background Photo “Minneapolis City Hall” by City of Minneapolis Archive.







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